Our learners excel in many fields!
Our Matric results of 2023 indicate the depth of our learners’ development – all 216 candidates who wrote the examination were successful. This means we achieved a 100% pass rate for the 28th consecutive year!
There were 491 subject distinctions i.e. an average of 2,27 distinctions per learner. 203 candidates achieved Bachelor Passes i.e. a Bachelor Pass rate of 94%. Our 2023 Dux, Alayka Sewnarain, achieved an aggregate of 92%.
Durban Girls’ High School placed second in the Umlazi District and 10th in Kwa-Zulu Natal.
Our learners participate successfully in a wide range of provincial and national competitions and olympaids, aimed to challenge and extend them academically. They are also afforded the opportunity to undertake Further Studies Mathematics, Further Studies Physics and Further Studies English as extra subjects.

Our two large Art Studios create a welcoming space where learners explore a variety of artistic media.
Art Studios
All of our learners have online access in our Computer Rooms.
Computer Rooms
Our newly renovated Consumer Studies kitchen is fully equipped.
Consumer Studies
The Drama Wing boasts two large air-conditioned Drama Rooms with a soundproof dividing wall. These two rooms can be opened up to form a theatre space.
Drama Wing
Our dedicated Guidance Suite is a comfortable space where learners can find support as they define their vision of success and navigate their individual journeys.
Guidance Suite
Our laboratories provide spaces for hands-on experimentation and learning in both Life Sciences and Physical Sciences.
This vibrant, busy space forms the centre of the school where learners can engage in reading and learning on all levels. Our Library offers over 19 000 books!
Media Centre
We offer Music as a Matric subject and a variety of instruments allow freedom of expression in our dedicated Music Room.
Music Room
The Anne Martin Science Wing contains two air-conditioned Lecture Theatres.
Science Lecture Theatres

These spacious venues are part of our newest development and are dedicated to the teaching of Mathematics.
Victor Daitz Mathematics Wing
Digital Integration Programme
The learning journey of our Grade 10 and 11 learners is enhanced through the Digital Integration Programme whereby they work on school-managed devices, allowing for innovation and creativity in teaching and learning.
Academic Development Programme - ADP
The Academic Development Programme (ADP) of DGHS is a facility that provides a venue and an environment in which learners can do homework and study after school. Supervisors are present to check homework, motivate learners and encourage their extra-curricular involvement. To ensure that our learners work to the best of their ability and use their time wisely, they are encouraged to complete their written homework, do online research, study for tests and read their library books during this time in a controlled setting. The Victor Daitz Wing is the venue for ADP and registration forms are available from
Grade 9 Subject Choice Booklet 2024